German VAT has been in force since 1968, and the rules for paying the tax are defined by EU directives applicable in EU Member States. However, Poles providing services abroad in most cases are not subject to registration in the German tax system. This is because the so-called reverse charge procedure is available.
The German tax system is one of the fairest in the European Union, with minimal formalities and bureaucracy. This makes life easier for taxpayers and entrepreneurs and indirectly leads to higher economic growth in the country.
VAT tax in Germany
The standard VAT rate for German taxpayers is 19%. VAT (Mehwertsteuer) is a tax on value added goods and services. There are two basic rates of this tax: basic at 19% - all goods and services (change from 16% from January 1, 2007), reduced 7% - does not include the sale of food, beverages and restaurants, medical equipment, passenger transport and medical services.
German tax rates are divided into three groups of taxable goods or services. In the case of intra-community and international transport, the tax rate is 0% (it does not include road, rail and some inland waterway transport). Another group of VAT (7%) applies to selected foodstuffs, medical devices for the disabled and some means of transport. Domestic passenger transport and other forms of intra-Community and international transport up to 50 kilometers, press materials, books, e-books and audiobooks, participation in cultural and sports events, short stays in hotels, doctors and dentists, care, firewood, cut plants (used for food production and for decorative purposes), selected types of gold coins and jewellery, takeaway food. All listed goods or services must be accounted for at the VAT rate of 7%.
Regular tax in Germany returns are filed quarterly within 10 days of the end of the last month of the quarter. At the end of the year, an annual report is submitted containing the sum of all submitted returns and corrections of taxes paid. If the amount of VAT paid in a year exceeds €6,500, you must submit a monthly tax return. The system of tax in Germany is one of the fairest tax settlements in the European Union, and formalities and bureaucracy are kept to a minimum. This makes life easier for taxpayers and entrepreneurs, which indirectly translates into higher economic growth in this country.