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Sunday, 14 April 2024 18:09

The fight for the survival of honey bees in the British

innovative actions does Pollenize innovative actions does Pollenize pixabay

Faced with increasing threats from killer hornets, climate change, and habitat loss, British bees are facing danger. However, with the support of apiculturists aided by artificial intelligence, there may be hope for their protection.

What will you learn?

1. What innovative actions does Pollenize take in Plymouth?
2. Who leads the fight of British bees against invasive killer hornets?
3. How does artificial intelligence support the defense of bees?
4. What challenges do British bees face due to hornet invasions?
5. What benefits does the use of technology bring to bee conservation?

Technological assistance on the rise

In central Plymouth, a small pharmacy transforms into a haven for bees, offering not seeds but help in their fight for survival. Pollenize, a social enterprise, uses data analysis and artificial intelligence to diagnose and treat bee shortages while responding to threats from habitat loss and climate change.

A road full of challenges

Matthew Elmes and Owen Finnie, childhood friends and co-founders of Pollenize, embarked on this journey unexpectedly. Their personal experiences with hay fever pushed them towards beekeeping, and their unconventional approach led to innovations in bee protection.

Technology as a crucial weapon

With a degree in environmental sciences, Elmes developed technological tools for bee protection. Using data collected through artificial intelligence, he created tools to track biodiversity and monitor bee foraging patterns.

Response to invasion

Since the first appearance of the Asian hornet in France in 2004, beekeepers in Europe have been grappling with this invasive plague. Understood as "killer hornets," these predators threaten ecosystems by devouring dozens of bees daily.

New defense tools

British volunteer teams are fighting back against the invasion of Asian hornets, using innovative technologies to track and locate nests. AI bait stations equipped with cameras and detection algorithms offer hope for effective defense against these predators.

Challenges of the future

Despite progress, time is of the essence. Pollenize, in collaboration with technological partners, is working to improve its tools to respond quickly and effectively to threats. The fight for the survival of bees lies ahead, requiring constant innovation and determination.

The fight for the survival of bees is becoming an increasingly urgent issue, but with technology and human commitment, there is hope for the protection of these invaluable creatures.